Daily Maverick reports (February 8) the City of Cape Town is spending almost R12 million on the Visserhok Leachate Treatment Plant that's been out of commission for six years. "Since 2017, the municipality has been spending R3 million a year on repairs and maintenance of the plant - with no benefit to the city." The city denied it's wasteful spending. This reminds of my estimate of R60 million-plus a year on Cape Town Stadium's upkeep. I identified other examples of fruitless and wasteful spending, but there would be more, adding up. Perhaps readers could suggest other examples. 1. The several million - R30 million-plus? - on the supply network of treated water from Athlone Sewerage Plant to irrigate parks and sports fields (2018-2021) that was never commissioned. A Parks manager told me "there was no money (sic)" for the the on-site - parks etc - irrigation, which was odd because all that smaller parks need are hose pipes and already employed park atte...