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Western Cape Education Department flies Palestinian flag

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) appears to have taken sides in the conflict in Gaza. Alexander Sinton High School in Athlone has three Palestinian flags above its name boards in two locations: one at the entrance and the other at a cross street. At least one flag predates the current situation in Gaza.

Flying foreign flags on the premises of a state facility is irregular in itself. It appears the Western Cape Government is involving itself in foreign affairs policy and the affairs of another country. Flying the flag represents support for Palestine and Gaza, and by extension, Gaza's government Hamas.

The situation in Palestine and particularly Gaza is tragic enough without interference from people far away who have no stake in the conflict and little knowledge of its history. One is entitled to an opinion but this time one should be careful about taking a public stand, like futile and facile flag-waving support of other people's wars. People who get involved in other people's wars, especially when they have nothing at stake, do so at their own risk as Ronnie Kasrils, UCT Council, ANC, etc (also see US universities controversies) have found. There are other, more practical ways to help like donating to humanitarian organisations working there. 

Head of WCED Brent Walters did not respond to my email and that to education MEC David Maynier was blocked.
