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Daily Maverick, media still enthralled to Ramaphoria

 After all that's happened in 2022 - Eskom's on-going meltdown and load shedding, Phala Phala, Jacob Zuma's numerous court cases - South Africa's left media, Daily Maverick in particular, is still enthralled to Ramaphoria, the cult of ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa.

It shows how out of touch they are with reality that Daily Maverick named suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkwebane as its villain of the year in an article written by Marianne Thank on December 29.

Not Eskom which is slowly strangling the life out of the country, not the three stooges responsible for it - Ramaphosa, Gwede Mantashe and Pravin Gordhan. 

Not lame-duck-since-he-was-elected president Ramaphosa under whose "leadership" the country is declining. 

Not Ramaphosa personally who has his own scandal - Phala Phala - and if the law were really equal would have, should have been impeached and criminal charges brought against him.

But the media has been relatively quiet about his transgressions. I'm no fan of Mkwebane but the outrage generated by DM, media and its pundits against her was something to behold. In fact, DM led the witch-hunt with regular contributors Pierretjie de Vos and pseudonymous legal writer starting the campaign on flimsy grounds, a campaign only later taken up by the ANC. Law had to be written to accomplish her impeachment. 

The public protector's work has little real effect on the masses where it matters. Her findings are largely administrative and recommendations optional. Even the auditor-general's have greater impact with the law changed to make them compulsory. 

So why the hatred of her? Because she dared investigate Ramaphosa and his coterie of compromised individuals Gordhan among them. Her findings might have been overturned about the specific charges but he's implicated in other serious malfeasance - Phala Phala - that DM and media are subdued about.

Ramaphosa is the worst president SA's had after Zuma - weak, wishy-washy, poor leadership qualities - who among other things allowed Eskom to deteriorate and allowed untrue accusations against its CEO to go unchallenged and under whose dismal management the economy and unemployment has worsened. SA's economy has contracted over the last five years, now smaller than Ireland's! The ANC is the country's largest criminal organisation with Ramaphosa its de facto head.

Yet the DM thinks Mkwebane is the worst person of the year with another ANC drone taking second place! I was sceptical before of DM but now know for sure it has being captured by Ramaphoria, and with it their credibility.
