The (sane) world and just over 50% of American voters (a small number, far from the predicted Biden landslide, given Trump's sociopathy, but that's rightwing middle America for you) are deservedly engaging in schadenfreude at Donald Trump's 2020 election loss, a loss he and his supporters like Fox News and pollster Robert Cahaly of The Trafalgar Group never foresaw.
While Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox and New York Post are distancing themselves from Trump, his refusal to concede is embarrassing any rational erstwhile fans, I wonder how other supporters, including in SA, are coping with the trauma.
For example, in South African media (not trolls who lurk in comments fora) Simon Lincoln Reader, a columnist for Business Live and BizNews, wrote in 2018 "Leftie anti-Trump procession a carnival of narcissism" (to the rightwing, "leftie", or "libtard", is disparaging), and last month, "Can the hysterical anti-Trump collective please sit down?" and remarkably, "Why Joe Biden and family are no better than the ANC-Gupta posse[sic]".
That Reader compares Joe Biden, by all accounts a decent man, to the Zuptas, but excludes from his assessment narcissist and nepotistic Trump who was called "America's Mbeki" for denying the pandemic, tells us all about his ilk and his publishers - everyone has a right to an opinion, but to publish defamation and alt-facts, no.
IRR fellow and columnist for its Daily Friend and Politicsweb John Kane-Berman wrote Trump was "untouchable", like Zuma, but his impeachment was "political process masquerading as a judicial one". JKB also: Trump's election was a great "democratic mandate" by American voters (he doesn't mention Hilary Clinton got 3 million more), and "Trump’s Mt Rushmore speech was right about the Left".
When was Trump right (ha ha) about anything including his taxes and number of women who filed lawsuits against him? Was he right about Covid?
Many (rightwing and conservative) people are going to deny, like they've done over the pandemic, they ever supported Trump that much. Or they'll lie and say they're Democratic supporters all along. Or just carry on regardless, pitchforks and all, like Rudy Giuliani's weird garden centre press conference - "keep on diggin". (It seems die hard Republicans and Trumpists have a thing for horticulture.)
Disclaimer: I read Simon Lincoln Reader occasionally in the past but stopped because his far-right fantasies (and I like science fiction and fantasy), and his odd sexual innuendo comments to critics proved to much. I don't read BDLive, BizNews, PW or DF now but sourced the linked articles for illustration only.
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