Helen Zille is back on Daily Maverick with an article (a column?) about South Africa's "criminal state", i.e. ANC.
And Zille dares talk about a "criminal state" under the ANC.
When she had her From the Inside column she was untouchable. Ever politically correct, DM didn't like criticism of her (the media is funny that way even when they're frequently wrong as DM's writers often are). After she left, she was fair game for their writers. In an indirect snub to DM, she said Politicsweb's and Rapport's editors are the only two "worthwhile" political analysts in the country,
Now she's back with DM and all is forgiven. It's moot, though, because from last week I no longer read DM, and for a long time have had no time for her. Funny it took the media including Max Du Preez - her erstwhile supporters - so long to find out what kind of person she is.
Now she's back with DM and all is forgiven. It's moot, though, because from last week I no longer read DM, and for a long time have had no time for her. Funny it took the media including Max Du Preez - her erstwhile supporters - so long to find out what kind of person she is.
Conservationist and whistleblower Bool Smuts and I called her out years ago when the Western Cape Government committed regulatory capture with her knowledge. And likely at her behest, persecuted Smut on trumped-up charges for allegedly maligning her.
Supposedly the ethical and moral person she claims to be - by implication, her article on criminality in the country she's holding herself as a good example - she preemptively defended the head of WC Health Department Dr Beth Engelbrecht - her appointee - and others against allegations of serious ethical misconduct including violating the law without investigating, allegations that shall be looked into when the court gets round to it (disclosure: our allegations, proven).
Supposedly the ethical and moral person she claims to be - by implication, her article on criminality in the country she's holding herself as a good example - she preemptively defended the head of WC Health Department Dr Beth Engelbrecht - her appointee - and others against allegations of serious ethical misconduct including violating the law without investigating, allegations that shall be looked into when the court gets round to it (disclosure: our allegations, proven).
And in an unrelated matter, November 2019 AfriForum laid charges against Engelbrecht - a DA cadre - about her department's finances for the period which overlapped with Zille's tenure as premier. (Engelbrecht, now ex-head of department - she was replaced from April - didn't know how to read a financial report and misled the public and WC Legislature).
DM's section editor Mark Heywood wrote a flattering interview of Engelbrecht. Of her self-gratulatory assessment of the WCHD's performance, he said he didn't have "information to contradict her". But he was too lazy, inept or sycophantic to check. Had he done a basic Internet search or reviewed the financial report as I had, he'd of found credible reports, including from his former organisation Treatment Action Campaign, to dispute her. In June I wrote to the auditor-general Kimi Makwetu asking him to review the WCHD's financial statement during the 2020 audit. I copied the current head of department Dr Keith Cloete and Premier Alan Winde. Makwetu confirmed receipt.
And Zille dares talk about a "criminal state" under the ANC.
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