I've been saying the alarmist and irresponsible exaggeration about expropriation without compensation (EWC), mainly from IRR and right-of-centre media BizNews (BN) and Politicsweb (PW), is that South Africa as a nation, its history, constitution and expropriation legal framework are not anything like Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and, and ...
I said the worst was expected, mainly by whites, of a black government and blacks after 1994 but nothing came to pass as they feared. Black people forgave if not forgot. It was a political deal that whites and especially white monopoly capital, what Sampie Terreblance called "Mineral Energy Complex", kept their often ill-gotten apartheid wealth and status upon which their present day prosperity is built. Only 1% of whites live in poverty compared to 63% blacks and 44% brown.
But who is shouting the loudest about a very slim potential of Zimbabwe-type land grabs, which Ramaphosa and the bill says shall not happen? Right wing and anxious whites - a minority - of course, just as they did bf 1994. Are you seeing a pattern here?
I've asked repeatedly including of the discredited IRR why they fear the worst while ignoring government's and Ramaphosa's assurances and expert legal and economic opinion like JP Landman that there shall be no free-for-all land-grabs and if called upon the courts shall arbitrate in cases of R nil compensation under the constitution's fair and equitable principle.
I said the worst was expected, mainly by whites, of a black government and blacks after 1994 but nothing came to pass as they feared. Black people forgave if not forgot. It was a political deal that whites and especially white monopoly capital, what Sampie Terreblance called "Mineral Energy Complex", kept their often ill-gotten apartheid wealth and status upon which their present day prosperity is built. Only 1% of whites live in poverty compared to 63% blacks and 44% brown.
But who is shouting the loudest about a very slim potential of Zimbabwe-type land grabs, which Ramaphosa and the bill says shall not happen? Right wing and anxious whites - a minority - of course, just as they did bf 1994. Are you seeing a pattern here?
I've asked repeatedly including of the discredited IRR why they fear the worst while ignoring government's and Ramaphosa's assurances and expert legal and economic opinion like JP Landman that there shall be no free-for-all land-grabs and if called upon the courts shall arbitrate in cases of R nil compensation under the constitution's fair and equitable principle.
I've asked why the IRR, allegedly a think-tank, has not presented negligible and medium impact scenarios and why, a priori, they and commentators I've seen fixate upon the worst Zimbabwe-like case happening. But there's no reply or none that makes sense, only more exaggeration and conspiracies.
Ethiopian or Zimbabwean or whoever's histories are irrelevant except from a universal perspective, but like a doctor takes each patient's case on its merits and facts presented, so South Africa's past, present and future are unique.
Catastrophising, a medical/psychological condition, is assuming the worst shall happen. Note "assuming". It's a "cognitive distortion which makes an unpleasant situation worse than it actually is".
That's what the white right including organisations like IRR and AfriForum that promote white interests and inclusive economic interests (the two are synonymous) and media like BN and PW suffer from. BN is a curious case because it has a schizo disorder as well - at other times it promotes sunshine Ramaphoria journalism of always looking on the bright side of SA life (a contributor, Ed Herbst, called me a "cynical pragmatist" - I guess he meant realist - for calling it like I see it.)
Most South Africans, though, including whites, don't believe the sky is about to fall over EWC, so why the pandering again to the white right.
My suggestion and plea to he media like BN is please stop facilitating those with this cognitive disorder. Present the facts - on all matters - objectively and without their at times obvious agenda. And publishing every article IRR have on EWC esp without offering rational, expert alternative opinions like Landman's is facilitating their and the white right's Chicken Little/Catastrophising conditions.
Ethiopian or Zimbabwean or whoever's histories are irrelevant except from a universal perspective, but like a doctor takes each patient's case on its merits and facts presented, so South Africa's past, present and future are unique.
Catastrophising, a medical/psychological condition, is assuming the worst shall happen. Note "assuming". It's a "cognitive distortion which makes an unpleasant situation worse than it actually is".
That's what the white right including organisations like IRR and AfriForum that promote white interests and inclusive economic interests (the two are synonymous) and media like BN and PW suffer from. BN is a curious case because it has a schizo disorder as well - at other times it promotes sunshine Ramaphoria journalism of always looking on the bright side of SA life (a contributor, Ed Herbst, called me a "cynical pragmatist" - I guess he meant realist - for calling it like I see it.)
Most South Africans, though, including whites, don't believe the sky is about to fall over EWC, so why the pandering again to the white right.
My suggestion and plea to he media like BN is please stop facilitating those with this cognitive disorder. Present the facts - on all matters - objectively and without their at times obvious agenda. And publishing every article IRR have on EWC esp without offering rational, expert alternative opinions like Landman's is facilitating their and the white right's Chicken Little/Catastrophising conditions.
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