I've been saying the alarmist and irresponsible exaggeration about expropriation without compensation (EWC) , mainly from IRR and right-of-centre media BizNews (BN) and Politicsweb (PW), is that South Africa as a nation, its history, constitution and expropriation legal framework are not anything like Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and, and ... I said the worst was expected, mainly by whites, of a black government and blacks after 1994 but nothing came to pass as they feared. Black people forgave if not forgot. It was a political deal that whites and especially white monopoly capital, what Sampie Terreblance called "Mineral Energy Complex", kept their often ill-gotten apartheid wealth and status upon which their present day prosperity is built. Only 1% of whites live in poverty compared to 63% blacks and 44% brown. But who is shouting the loudest about a very slim potential of Zimbabwe-type land grabs, which Ramaphosa and the bill says shall not happen? Right wing an...