Many articles I read like this one on The Conversation and elsewhere about poverty, inequality, development and related topics, and particularly those written from a sociological perspective, omit, ignore or avoid the elephant in the room of why South Africa is not meeting developmental goals or achieving minimum standards: poor to mediocre economic growth rates that’s been on a downward trend from a 5.6% high in 2006, the highest since 1980 (6.6%) to a low of 0.28% in 2016 (-1.5% in 2009). While peer and less developed countries – Rwanda, Ethiopia and Kenya to name three – is achieving 6% and above, SA has lolled about in mediocrity without leadership and direction due to political and economic mismanagement and incompetence, officially sanctioned industrial protectionism and big business greed. One cannot begin to analyse why SA is not meeting development goals without understanding these factors. You don’t do so here and your analysis is the weaker for it because the...