Political analysts know politics but they're no better than you or I telling which way an election will go. By applying what we all could see, I predicted the DA's and ANC's result within one percentage point at 2019's election. 2010 was the last time I voted DA in any election. I saw how, under Helen Zille, it became unmoored from its liberal principles. She was, and is, a key figure in its failure to keep voters and the disillusionment of former non-white supporters. Under her the DA, always a bit shouty, became even more strident. One expects politicians to be proud and never admit they're wrong, but the DA's hubris became unpleasant to bear. They took example from Zille herself including their approach to the various scandals and problems she personally and DA experienced since. The DA has shifted to centre-right, similar now to FF+ but without the latter's integrity about what it stands for. Wilmot James, when he was DA MP, expressed concern about t...