"Cyril Ramaphosa ... the fact no president since Nelson Mandela enjoyed such overwhelming public support and goodwill as he did in 2018. It is his own doing history will remember him as the biggest disappointment since 1994", Max du Preez writes in VryeWeekblad on July 14. We hear statements like this a lot lately, especially since continuous load shedding last year. Before there was growing disquiet from Ramaphorias and former Ramaphorias - media, analysts and business - but not the anger and disappointment at the man Du Preez expresses now. I say since load shedding because more than anything Ramaphosa and government did or didn't do, that revealed the true, decrepit state of the nation under the ANC. Eskom's virtual collapse is affecting South Africa deeply, in the pocket, that even smarmy, cowardly business leaders, loathe to criticise government under normal circumstances, has joined the chorus of condemnation. For the first four years of Ramaphosa's preside...