The left's proposal for a basic income grant (BIG) has been revived in the aftermath of the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. But concerns about its affordability. President Cyril Ramaphosa, ever the weak leader riding on popular opinion, has expressed support for it and asked Treasury to see how it can be funded. It would be no surprise if this was one of the reasons why finance minister Tito Mboweni, who was against it and said the country can't afford it, resigned. During the recent riots and looting in Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal, commentators said poverty and unemployment were among the causes. This was despite the motives been an attempted insurrection. Incidentally, attributing riots to the poor is insulting because it presumes this is the only way they voice their concerns. The fact is middle class people were among rioters too. Commentators opined the basic income grant (BIG) must be implemented as soon as possible. Suddenly it’s been resurrected again. It ...