The Last Whites of Africa Saturday is a slow news day for local media. Bored, I clicked on Politicsweb which I hadn’t looked at since April. I had given up on it, put off by its pandemic denialism and white right victimhood. I was determined not to read it again, but looking for news, thought perhaps things had changed a little, its writers if not commentators. But everything is still the same. On Saturday September 19’s issue, above the virtual fold (top half of webpage), was William Saunderson-Meyer column where he wrote Donald Trump “deserved” the Nobel Prize (a right-wing Norwegian journalist nominated him) for his role in the rapprochement between Israel, Bahrain and UAE! Andrew Donaldson , always trying too hard to be amusing, cheered a little known group who want independence for the Western Cape (in his column last year he explained away the Group Areas Act in Cape Town as a "shortage of land" [sic]) . Fittingly iron ic for one who now lives in is...