"Sygnia CEO Magda Wierzycka fired auditor KPMG in 2017 for its role in state capture. This earned her almost heroine-like status among some in the business community for taking a strong and courageous stand against corruption. Now the same board has fired Deloitte, arguing that engagement with the firm is ‘unsatisfactory’ and there is reputational risk associated with it. It is hard not to believe this is the case. Except that something just doesn’t feel right." ( Deloitte firing may reveal more than Sygnia would like , Daily Maverick 14/06/2019.) Is Sasha Planting, author of the piece, an accountant? She wrote: "Bear in mind an auditor’s job is not to detect fraud, comment on a business’s model or even its viability. It is simply to provide a reasonable assurance that the financial statements are accurate. In order to do this, it has to trust that the information on which the accounts are based (contracts, leases, stock take reports and so on), and which is provid...