This is a slightly edited version of my comments to Politicsweb columnist Andrew Donaldson As a rule I don't read Andrew Donaldson's column in Politicsweb but this one caught my eye because "Cape Town" was in the title: How to write about Cape Town . Like Donaldson did before he emigrated to benighted Brexit Britain (I read a New York Times article last week where the writer quoted a Scottish comedian's sketch that perfectly summarised the MPs and government's self-imposed torture and confusion), I live in Cape Town and know it well including from urban and community development aspects. I'm not sure, though, why every week he writes about South Africa rather than the drab London weather or how the House of Commons is tearing the country apart (horrors, they got a reprieve from the Europeans they claim to hate). Please do Andrew, so that we may enjoy schadenfreude about a supposedly civilised race while our allegedly backward one slowly disintegrates...