DA has pretentions of being the government but is unclear what good governance means: a debate with a supporter
This is an edited version of a debate I had this weekend with a DA member on Politicsweb about what good governance means and if the DA has what it takes. As before, while acknowledging Mmusi Maimane is a "weak" leader and they have problems, he insists they know and do have what it takes. However, as the debate progressed he was unable to list the criteria of good governance except "clean audits". The full exchange can be found here . The DA’s and their supporters’ assertion “The DA should be judged on its performance in government, and its potential to run the country” comes from a variety of people. They say, “The ANC is bad, and problematic as the DA is with their weak leader, confused position, in-fighting, etc, they're the best and only option available.” Ironic then that with this position, they list small parties like COPE’s, UDM’s, etc problems as if the DA doesn't have ample of its own. In other words, their reasoning breaks down because...