This is a follow-up to my previous blog "Reply to Helen Zille: Bad Governance affects the Western Cape too". A ship provides a good example of how organisations should run. If the captain, executive officers and crew don’t do their jobs, and strictly follow protocol, it could lead to calamity. On June 17 the United States Navy destroyer Fitzgerald collided with a freighter off Japan. Seven sailors on the American ship died. The captain, his executive officer and the senior enlisted sailor were fired, and a dozen sailors, including those on watch, were disciplined. The freighter’s role in the collision in the busy shipping route is unclear, but the US’ Seventh Fleet in Japan said “inadequate leadership” on the Fitzgerald contributed to the collision. (This is the fifth collision this year involving the Seventh Fleet.) British politicians resign on the whiff of scandal. This month international development secretary Priti Patel resig...