In an interview on 702’s Midday Report last week about the “ Middelburg coffin ” incident, the host asked (paraphrased): “Why do these racist incidences (white-on-black) continue occurring”? At the start of the show he rhetorically stated it can only be described as “racist” (note the accused, Theo Martins Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen, face charges of assault, not racism). Of course these incidences should be reported and analysed, but not in the shock-horror tones the media, and some media personalities, have perfected. What is required are balanced, sober assessments why South Africa today appears more racially divided and allegedly moving further apart than its halcyon, “rainbow nation” era under Nelson Mandela’s governorship. (See Anthea Jeffery’s article on the media’s duty to report honestly without fear or favour.) Indeed, are there comparatively more racists in SA than elsewhere, and more “racist” incidences and discriminatory practices n...