It is unfortunate one of South Africa’s most eminent satirists, Jonathan Shapiro, aka Zapiro, was forced to defend freedom of speech and his cartoon depicting NPA head Shaun Abrahams as an organ grinder’s monkey, then recant, following the usual social media outrage. B arely containing her "liberal" outrage in her Mail & Guardian column, Rebecca Davis asks Shapiro, "What were you thinking? Don't you know the monkey metaphor is offensive to black South Africans?". By the way, to be precise, Shaun Abrahams is a person of colour , expediently termed "black" to excori ate a white person of "racism", in this instan ce unfairly . I mention this in the context of a country where institutional racism is pernicious and entren che d - remember gov ernment spokesman J immy Manyi who said the Western Cape had too many coloureds ". In Davis' case, though, what qualifies her to speak on behalf of ALL blacks. Is she patronis...