There was general muted encouragement for the Budget, with most economists being cautiously optimistic . However, the ANC and the Left were enthusiastic . The Cape Times' fawning praise of the Budget that it drew "wide praise from corporates, economists and politicians alike" is an exaggeration of what economists said. The superlatives and kudos their editorial ("A budget of hope", February 25) heaped on finance minister Pravin Gordhan - "brave and innovative; thinking out of the box" - made me think for a moment they had morphed into Gordhan's PR company. But then the Cape Times is unashamedly an ANC-leaning newspaper, always telling the "good story". Ultimately, it's misleading to think this budget, this year, on its own will change South Africa's fortunes without continual and concerted efforts to revive a moribund economy , drastically reduce government spending, especially the bloated and inefficient public...